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 Sujet du message: Tutorial Oosphere & anthérozoïds...
UNREAD_POSTPosté: Lun Juin 11, 2007 1:51 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 09, 2007 3:21 am
Messages: 1166
Jean Luc Rivera, the organizer of , "The Sevre's Fantasy Meetings"
ordered me this year's poster of the festival.

The main construction idea is simple:
I will transform the exposition building into a spaceship
or what I call a "NooScaphe in departure"

This first stage consists in modelling in 3D the building.

For that, I start from this photograph in HDRI, I had made last year.

I import the photo in my 3D computer graphics software : Cinema4D of Maxon
distributed in france by

I have install the Photomatch plug-in to extrapolate
from only one photography
the 3D parameters of the subject.
(height, width, depth, horizon, focal distance, slope…)

Photomatch is simple to use,
in 10 minutes we can extract the 3D parameters,
by adjusting the ends of 4 o 6 vectors on the characteristic " vanishing points lines" of the volume.
Photomatch will calculate a camera position,
a focal distance and a 3D space similar to the photograph.

By adjusting the left vectors on the "lines of sights"
of the building facade,
I obtain the vanishing point to left
(stage right, op side, "jardin" in french theatre glossary)
often call F in traditional perspective.

(A very good website about perspective in french perspective interactive )


By adjusting the right vectors on the "lines of sights"
of the building facade,
I obtain the vanishing point to Right
(stage left, prompt side, or "cour" in french theatre glossary)
often call F' in traditional perspective.

Photomatch proposes a camera with
a focal distance of 55,67 (24/36)
whitch corresponds to a focal distance of 13,6
on camera with a 2/3 sensor (6,6/8,8mm)
like my Nikon Coolpix 8800.

I check the metadata “exif” of my photograph
which indicate a value of 14,9 for my focal distance…
not bad, for this project this little difference is negligible.

A very good focal and distance converter on line.


I adjust quickly the proportions of the main volumes
of the building with cubes.
drawned in outlines with the Sketch&Toons module of C4D,
(It is a module which simulate pencils or paintbrushes lines)

I convert primitive cubes in polygons objects,
And I cut the faces in the middle with the cutter
to raise the roofs.

I pose the windows and the facade structures
using the photo for positioning.

after 6 hours of job the building starts to take form.

It should give a beautiful NooScaphe…
I will build superstructures and engines...

A priori, that kind of composition should work...
Well ...
for the moment this is only a draft,
final render will be more photorealist.

An other big step. with windows and sky.

I am inspired by "Hard-Science esthetics SF like the works of Chris Foss or Manchu

Foss illustrations are nearest space-opera than hard-science fiction,
but he is for me, after Chesley Bonestell,
one of the first SF illustrators,
who charged his images with “realism”
which clearly brings his work closer to the hard-science fiction speculations.

And Manchu endeavours to respect
the same kind of aesthetic realism,
in particular for his astronautic illustrations.
For example he confide to me that he made
an illustration based on the speculations
of J.P. Luminet, describing
the luminous aberrations caused by a black Hole….

But here I am far in all the cases to fix
the composition with such a scientific rigour… ?

I use the term of Hard-Science-Fiction
by formal analogy with the projects
of space conquest, which often have
an aesthetic photorealist treatment


an other view. I have put the roofs
in symmetrical to close the bottom structure.

I replaced the olds noopropellers
"Dupont-Teknodrones" by a pair of new NooPropellers
"Douglas Noonautics" which burns less "neurocarb"
while respecting the noospheric environment.

With this kind of "noopropellers",
The SEL Nooscaphe can reach
at least 10.000 "noonautics"
without dephasing the traveller's neurons
in a limbo-dendritic chaotic orbital

A rende Test, in a cartoon style...

A close shot of the BVW 400 NooPropellers (for the experts)
I like the inverted idea that the "NooPropellers"
are build with caption devices ...
(sony broadcast betacam BVW 400)

Following advices, remarks and users comments
from the Frenchcinema4D forum
I yielded to temptation to refer
to the famous ecological SF Movie of of Douglas Trumbull “Silent Running”… (1971 )

The tree inside the SEL Nooscaphe give a result
relatively unexpected, and really funny.
it is clear, I move away from hard-science aesthetics,
to go towards a mix between SF and héroic-fantasy… ?

I should model the three small robots from Silent Running,
ancestors of R2D2: Huey, Dewey and Louie…

For the sky, yesterday evening I meet a href="] Eric Wenger[/url]
in his nooscaph close to Bastille in Paris,
Eric Wenger developp the engine of Bryce,
and also the MetaSynth software,
which was, amongst other things,
used to make the sound design of Matrix…

Eric proposed me to build the skies with his new software "Artmatic Voyager"
and to make a test to see whether I could integrate them in C4D…

Artmatic Voyager is amongst other things a software
which generates in the "noosphere", a virtual fractal planet 4 times larger than the earth,
and we can explore it in real time… rendering in high definition the landscape we like...

For me, Eric is the perfect incarnation
of the NooNaute who build his own nooscaphes,
as a sailor which build item by item its own sailing ship,
Eric programmed lines by lines his personal engine to travel in noosphere.

Eric confide to me that Artmatic Voyager is,
in a certain way, the end of a quest which
begin when he invented the premises
of Bryce in the school of Decorativ Art in Paris
almost 30 years ago, when it tried to program the Macintosh
in order to generate complex universes to explore…



Eric calculated me a distant sky of 8000 by 4000 pixels
for a cylindrical mapping .


and foreground clouds with a dense black sky
for incrustation, to create a distant effect...

So I test if it was possible to use the Sly module
Sky of Cinema 4D, with other imported skies

And it goes. The volumetric clouds of Sky
(the sky module integrated in C4D)
coexists with the imported bitmap skies from ArtMatic voyager.

To do that juste place the textures on a Sky object in C4D
or a on sphere which occult the sky of C4D,
without masking the volumetric clouds.

A little test with The new sky...

I start modeling a small gyrodyne or autogyro which
will fly towards SEL Nooscaphe to accost it.

A forum user, the captain of write me that,
my AutoGyro, looks like the autogyro, named Zorglumobile...

A red autogyro build by the bad scientist Zorglub, in the famous french Comics "Spirou & Fantasio" : Z as Zorglub, and the Shadow of the Z.

yes… as you can see, I am the hidden
son of Zorglub and Gaston Lagaffe (1),
aka, Noorglob, result of a genetic experiment
stolen by the two accomplices of the
count de Champignac in order
to perpetuate their NooCyberpunk bloodline...

Replacing the antique Zorglumobile
let me introduce the 10.4.9 version of the Noorglomobile…

You will notice the landing gear,
more elegant and sophisticated,
and the double directional micro-noopropellers
Douglas Noonautics under the poop empennage,
which radically increases the speed and takeoff performances of the NoorgloMobile.

PS: we must remember that Zorglub and Gaston Lagaffe belong to the first cyberpunks of our noospheric history,
a long time before the publication around 1982-83
of new “the Cyberpunk” of Bruce Bethke,, or the famous
Neuromancer de Gibson
published in 1984… (yes... I am Joking... ;-)

"Noorglomobiles" moving towards the SEL Nooscaph

Oups, the weather is overcast…
How certain nootravellers get colds,
I deployed the nanoswarm structures
of the geodetic Fuller-Dome.

So I find the title for this image.

I will call it "OOsphere". by analogy with the concept of NooSphere of Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin and also a reference to vegetal fecundation, in french the OOsphere is another name for the female gamete, or ovum, of certain plants.

It is necessary that I adjust some small details in the noorglomobile, (for the moment there is no contrarotating blades for the tandem propellers), and I must cut back my Noo-sycamore whose branches cross over the Fuller-Dome


The name “FullerDome” is a reference to the pre-cyberpunk
novel of John Brunner,
“Stand on Zanzibar,” in which an immense geodetic dome
covers Manhattan, but the origin is a reference to Buckminster Fuller,
the inventor of Dymaxion Car
and whose geodetic creations in geometry
inspired the nanotechnology and the discoverers
of the carbon 60 which gave him for name:
fullerene (BuckyBalls)

Buckminster Fuller in his "giants structures" projects,
conceived that a giant dome would generate
a kind of montgolfier effect, so cities builds in light materials could take off

Alas, the 17/05/2000 I asked in the SF french News group of Usenet :
Frasf about the feasibility of building giants flyings domes.
After a memorable discussion calculations
gave a dome between 35 and 71 km of ray,
so it would emerge in space…

An almost explicit sexual metaphoric version, with a vertical horizon..

The final version of the " Oosphere & antherozoïds."


The propellers blades of the NooGyrodynes
are contrarotating now.

The final version with the texts...

thanks very much for all the counsels and comments of the Frenchcinema4D forum and the community

with specials thanks to Marc Sublet, alias Noostrom for his graphic design suggestion


Yann Minh describe himself “as an ephemeral macrocosmic cellular structure pertaining to a collective intelligence whose noocells are the “human beings”.
After several noospheric changes, he affirm being nooreferenced as : Noonaute, multi-media artist, writer, documentarist, TV Director, 3D and 2D computer graphics designer, noochroniquor. "

Prolific and diversified artist, proselyte of cybercultur and fetish eroticism, Yann Minh realized several museographic installations for: The museum of modern art George Pompidou, the city of sciences, the CNAM; TV documentaries, short films of creation for:  ARTE, La Cinquième, Canal Plus, and also 3D immersiv environnements for museographic websites on Internet.

More informations here:

Done by Yann Minh with Cinema 4D

Dernière édition par yann.minh le Mer Juil 25, 2007 3:10 am, édité 3 fois.

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UNREAD_POSTPosté: Lun Juin 11, 2007 2:36 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Fév 13, 2007 11:34 pm
Messages: 325
Localisation: A travers les cieux, l'espace et le temps...
Can we use this wonderfull software with Linux...

not a joke...


I'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
Péné Pure Evil With True Love Inside

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UNREAD_POSTPosté: Lun Juin 11, 2007 2:39 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 09, 2007 3:21 am
Messages: 1166
Yes and no...

there is a special Linux version of C4D, but only for several selected 3DCG producers in USA... you must belong to the beta testers team of Maxon...

Only Mac and PC public versions for the moment...

Yann, NooPublic :-)

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UNREAD_POSTPosté: Lun Juin 11, 2007 5:24 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Fév 13, 2007 11:34 pm
Messages: 325
Localisation: A travers les cieux, l'espace et le temps...
i knew it would be for the worst if i was under unix os.. but i had no choice.

i lost my xp pro serial number.


I'm not here for your entertainment
you don't really want to mess with me tonight
Péné Pure Evil With True Love Inside

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UNREAD_POSTPosté: Sam Aoû 11, 2007 9:02 pm 
Inscription: Dim Aoû 05, 2007 1:05 pm
Messages: 30
Localisation: Den Haag, ZH
Well, as of 10.5.x on Intel processors MacOS X is now officially Unix:wink:

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 Sujet du message: Re: Tutorial Oosphere & anthérozoïds...
UNREAD_POSTPosté: Lun Déc 21, 2009 6:51 am 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 09, 2007 3:21 am
Messages: 1166
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